I'm actually surprised the last post works. The computer crashed just as I was about to proof read and spell check, so please forgive the spelling mistakes. I'm glad the entry saved anyway. I haven't figured out how to edit an entry that is already published yet.
This evening we managed to have a video conference call with my new son-in-law and daughter. They are attending BYU in Provo currently, having just married in August. We used Skype and it worked quite well. The kids still at home went nuts, performing all kinds of visual antics and being very involved in the conversation, much more so than they have been in speaker phone conversations of the past. This is a great way to communicate. We took a live video tour of their apartment, and then had a fun chat after sending the little ones to bed. Email me if you want our family Skype address.
We had a very interesting lesson in Elder Quorum today. The instructor organized us into several groups and gave each a difficult scenario to deal with, from his real-life experiences. They were very thought provoking, and people got very involved in the discussion. The one our group had was about a couple who had recently joined the Church and the husband had talked to a Sunday school instructor about a sensitive personal problem (the kind that probably should have only been discussed with a Bishop). It was a bad habit that was not overcome and fully repented of during the conversion and baptism process, but a habit serious enough to be a concern while preparing to go to the temple to have their marriage sealed for sealed for the eternities. It became obvious that this instructor had not kept this in confidence and dealt with it in an appropriate mature manner. The following week in church, the husband felt shunned by the instructor and ignored in class. The wife's visiting teachers gave her a lesson on being a supportive wife to a husband with this particular problem ( a problem they should not have known about). All this offended this new couple to such a degree that they no longer attended their temple preparation course or even church.
The discussion points were about what should be done now to help this couple.
Its never easy to overcome relationship mistakes like this. Having people in your church knowing your "dirty laundry" from a misplaced confidence can really make one feel uncomfortable. The first thought our group had was just to fellowship this couple and be a true friend. Listen, rather than trying to "solve" a problem, and encourage the husband to seek counseling with the Bishop, rather than others less competent to deal with problems of this nature. Getting the Bishop or Sunday School President involved in counseling the instructor that had violated the confidence may also be a good step, perhaps making it know to him how he had offended this couple while perhaps meaning well, may prompt some repentance and healing between the two.
Your thoughts on this subject are welcome, please comment.
7 years ago